Sunday, April 10, 2011


Brian and I have had a very busy weekend! 

 On Friday, Brian and I went to a game night. It was very fun! We play Rummy and a game called Quelf. You should look into it if you've never heard of it. There were a good number of us there, Betsy, Frett, Keenan, Patrick, David, Brian, and I. We were there til about 12:30. :)

  On Saturday, Brian and I had 2 birthday parties to attend. First, however, we had a few errands to run. We stopped at Lowes and the library. Then, went onto Dylan's birthday party! It was fun, hanging out with my nieces and nephews, my family. After that, we took a nice 2 hour drive to Ocala for Brian's dad's (father in law) birthday. That was also fun. We got to hang out with Brian's grandparents,  stepmom, dad, siblings, etc. There was even a baby that showed up (one of my FIL co-workers grand baby).

  The weird thing is on our way home, I had period-like cramps. It felt like my cervix was cramping and feeling abnormal.

  Then today at church my stomach hurt. Just like a "I'm hungry" ache...nothing big. But, I had just eaten. It happened consistently before church for like 10 minutes...then on and off at church, and now a little bit. 

  Brian and I were talking. Maybe it's because it's the first week off bc, maybe it's because it's my first week on pre-natals? We're not sure. Time will tell of course. But, Melissa (MCord) did have a dream last night that I was pregnant. Odd huh, is she prophetic? 

  I'll keep you updated on our quest for a baby (or getting prepared for it)!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Doctor Visit

     I went to my annual doctor appointment today! Since I've turned 21 I've been going to my female friendly doctor. No particular reason, I was just told that it's safer to do it, even if there was no reason to need to go. I started going to just a generic Family physician. She was my first experience, I had no idea there was a difference between the doctor I was going to and an OBGYN. 

   Last year I received a phone call that was terrifying. I was told that my pap smear was abnormal. I was told that it was not HPV related, nor cancer related...So then I was sent to a "specialist." Little did I know that this specialist was just an OBGYN. So in November I went to check out what was wrong. The OBGYN saw my results and said there was nothing wrong, they just leave it to multiple factors that could trigger abnormal. 

   Now, I go to this OBGYN for everything. I see the doctor and nurses that I saw from November, and I truly love my doctor! She is the best thing out there! Her bedside manner is awesome. 

     I never thought I'd care about a doctor that talks with you and has fun with you. She walks in telling jokes, leaves telling jokes, and shares stories about her own life! I told her that Brian and I were going to start ttc soon. She gave me some advice. She said that over the counter prenatal pills are just as good as prescribed pills. She said she could give me a prescription, but only if I wanted them. 

   I told my doctor that we were hoping for July. She then looked at me and said, "Okay, I'll see you in 30 days." It was funny, she kept saying that people always say later but then end up "oops" pregnant. While I was leaving the nurse gave me a "Welcome your TTC kit" with pills and magazines and such. While she gave it to me the nurse said, "Oh, Dr. Merritt wants me to tell you to see you in 30 days." I started laughing and said "No, no, in July!" 

   Another reason why I love my doctor, I may have said this before, but my friend goes to this practice. My friend had the worst pregnancy symptoms ever, and she still likes them. Plus, all the rate my doctor websites give the practice high ratings all around!

   While reading a magazine I got from my "Welcome Kit," I learned some wonderful foods to eat. So, for the next year a lot of my diet will include:
  • Cashews
  • Dry cereal with Folic Acid
  • Homemade popcorn
  • Frozen fruit juice (OJ pops anyone?)
  • Homemade chocolate pudding
  • anything with Tomato Sauce
  • Bananas (good source of B vitamin)
  • Romaine lettuce salads (good source of folate)
  • Whole wheat bread (this will be hard, but good source of folate)
  • Chicken (iron)
  • Yogurt (calcium)
  • 12 almonds (more iron)
  • Hard boiled eggs
 That is all. I wanted to share my excitement of my doctor, how excited she was, and some things I've learned. Baby dust in a few months!  :)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


It's been a few days since my last post. We've been busy visiting family, getting back into work (spring break is over folks!), and resting up! It's been 4 days since I've stopped my birth control (BC), tomorrow I go to my doctor. We shall see what she says for our plans!

Since I've been on Pink Pad and have been looking into pregnancy, I've learned quite a few new terms/abbreviations or new "pregnancy" words. Want to learn some? Okay :)

BD - Baby dancing (a polite way of the time you try making a baby)
TTC - Trying to conceive
Preseed - Is a lubricant that is used to help push the swimmers along in its journey.
CD # - Cycle Day... and did you know your Cycle day starts the first day of your period. I didn't.
AF - Aunt Flo - never called it that, but still humorous. 
DPO # - Days past ovulation... Good to know for time lines in testing
HPT - Home pregnancy test
2WW - Two week wait, the wait between when you BD/Ovulation and the time you take your HPT.
BBT - Basal Body temperature. This is a different temperature than your "normal" thermometer temperature. If there is any sudden change, that means you're ovulating. I haven't gone to the extreme of taking my BBT. However, if it's September and I'm not prego... then I'll do it.
BFP/BFN - Everyone on Pink Pad uses this. It stands for big fat positive/negative. When you take your HPT and you get a yay or a nay... that's what this is.

 Those are all the major ones. Fun, huh? So, as I read forums/threads on Pink Pad, they are filled with even more abbreviations and fun words. My mind is consumed with these words. 

I'm excited to start trying, but I don't want to get ahead of myself. It scares me that some people have been TTC for months and others days...How does this work? Why can't I wrap my mind around it? Then, people are talking about PCOS (polycystic Ovarian syndrome)...which is basically irregular/no periods. My cycle life has been very crazy.. From around 14-20 my cycles were normal. Very regular... Then from 21-before marriage, my cycles were crazy. Then went on BC and they were regular. So I'm anticipating what my cycle will be like.

The good thing, it'll be summer time and I won't have to stress! 

Off to help my mother in law with homework! :) Thanks for letting me chat!!

Saturday, April 2, 2011


Good morning (late evening?)

   Well, Brian and I are up late, listening to 90s/early 2000's ballads, R&B songs, and raps. We're crazy, haha. Bring back the Boy 2 Men, All 4 One, Will Smith, TLC, you know!

  Any way, Brian and I are super excited for our future ahead of us. As of last week, I have no more birth control pills. Woo hoo! I am excited that chemicals will be out of my body and I can see how my body adjusts. We were told to wait a few months before conceiving, so that everything can get back to natural. Also, my friend said that it's safer for your baby if you are off bc for awhile. Now, I know this could be a myth because people can get pregnant on the pill. But we are taking precautions. Prior to getting on BC, my cycles were very scattered and abnormal. So hopefully after 4 years of growing up it will be regular! 

  This week I will be visiting the doctor. I can set out a plan, start taking some pre-natal  vitamins and go from there. Sometimes I have to remind myself that we want to try for a June/July/August baby because that will work out for "our" time line. I want to just jump ahead, but I can't get ahead of myself.

  Of course, in all of this I say "our" plan and "our" time line, but this is all in God's hands! Proverbs 16:9, "In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps." Brian and I have had a rejuvenating relationship with God! We went on a staff retreat with Brian's work (Discovery church). The retreat was all about solitude and silence. It was so refreshing to sit with God by a waterfall and listen to what He wanted to tell me. We often have our own solitude time in our house. From the retreat, we've started a night time fixed hour pray. This has helped me get to sleep, since I suffer from achluophobia (fear of the darkness/night time).
  But I digress. Brian and I have been improving ourselves to help prepare for our future. Whether it be with driving more carefully (and being a patient driver - ahem BQ), working out daily and eating healthier or even getting out of debt. We've just purchased our last big thing for ourselves, a new bedroom set, new mattress, and decor. We love it! Another bit of advice we were given was to buy the things you need before having a baby, unless you'll never get around to buying it. :) 

  Our last preparation has been picking out the right doctor. I've been asking many previously pregnant women (sister in laws, coworkers, etc) about their doctors, their opinions, etc. One thing I learned: everyone is always willing to give you advice on their way of having a baby! :) Not that I don't appreciate it. Whenever I went for my check ups, I just went to a family doctor. However, now I have to switch to a specific gyno. Thankfully, I had to go to one for a few things back in November. My doctor is part of the same practice that my co-worker had. She had a rough pregnancy (she had twins!). I know if they could take care of her and she love them, then I'll be fine! Also, now that I remember it, my sister in law also went to her practice.

  Thanks for continuing to stay on this journey with us. I can't wait until we get further along in it. I know these months will fly by (don't they always?), so we will be on a whirlwind. <3

Friday, April 1, 2011


Well, I am back into the blogging world! 

Welcome to my newest blog, The Quigley's Quest! Let me share with you a little bit about me! 

My name is Kim. I have been a blogger since the ripe age of 14. I have had a deadjournal (I claim it to be the original journal site), livejournal, and xanga. My deadjournal was my online diary, my livejournal was just so I could see other people's posts, and my xanga was my "private" entry that housed all my insecurities, fears, hurt, and even shame. 

I stopped blogging, all together, once I graduated college and became an educator. I guess I just became so consumed with life as a teacher. In May 2007, I received a job at my internship school. A few months after getting my "professional" job, I met the man of my dreams, Brian!

 Brian and I started dating July 11, 2007. I gave up dating until God clearly spoke to me about my husband. I declared that the next man I gave my heart to would be my husband. I was tired of giving my heart to different guys, it wasn't fair to me or my husband. So, I knew, if I was investing into Brian, it was for a lifetime. Luckily, God knew that to be true, and Brian felt the same. On April 1, 2008 (wow, 3 years ago today!) Brian proposed to me at Lakeridge Winery. We got married January 17, 2009

Life as a married couple has been amazing. Our first year together was perfect (as much as perfect could be). God truly blessed our first year of marriage. Our second year was not as perfect, but still very enjoyable! Now, we are onto year number 3! It has been a wonderful already. We've been married for about 2 1/2 years and have made a big decision! 

Our household needs more human beings in it!! Yup! That is right, Brian and I are looking to add some more people to our house! Not just any people, but a baby!!

I am already a member of an iPhone app called Pink Pad. This helps track your ovulation schedule, body temperatures, symptoms etc. I am able to post to the forum and talk with other people trying to conceive. I can often be found checking out the newest posts. I probably have already shared with you this cool app if you are my friend! I'm very excited for it! 

Brian and I are not yet trying, due to a teacher schedule. But in days to come I will share what Brian and I have been doing to prepare for when we begin trying, and life until that point! 

My hope for this blog is to be a story of our quest to add to the Quigley clan! I'd like to journal our all of our triumphs and trials. I hope you enjoy our journey! <3

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