Sunday, February 5, 2012

The results are in....

The wait got the best of me. I tested early....
I tested on Saturday, January 21. And it was horrible. I was defeated and so you could tell the results....BFN. Big, Fat, Negative.

I was disappointed, but everywhere I looked said that testing THAT early was only 30% accuracy rate. I didn't even use first morning urine. Brian told me to wait until my test on Friday.

Well, the wait got the best of me AGAIN!

Brian said I could go ahead and test on Wednesday, 1/25. At that point it would be 13 days past ovulation, and the accuracy rating was over 80%.

Wednesday morning, I woke up. I had prepped everything the night before (got the cup, the test ready, ya know, lol)...And I take a hpt.

After a few short minutes (honestly, I would say it was seconds)... I got a.....

BFP!!! YUP! It was a light BFP! I woke up Brian, I hugged him, we prayed, we looked at the double lines! We rejoiced in this miracle!! Brian had a hard time seeing the faint line, but as the day grew on, you could see it clearly. It wasn't a line that you're like "uhm, I don't think there's anything there."

I was on cloud nine the whole day. Nothing could ruin my Wednesday! :)

Then, Brian wanted me to test again on Thursday. Why not, we had 3 tests, I had only used 2...we wanted to be 99% sure. So Thursday morning, I woke up, tested again. THIS TIME! It was DARKER! It was a beautiful thing!

Now, the only thing we needed to wait for was a confirmation from our doctor.

Friday AM comes around. We get to my doctor a little early (maybe 10 minutes), but they take us in right away. The nurse (not my nurse, but the nurse that draws blood) asked if we had done a hpt. We said yes. She said, "by the look on your face, it was positive." I said "Yup!." And she congratulated us. Then she said, well then the blood work should come back fine and then we'll schedule another appointment for blood work again next week.

 The crappy thing about it all, was that I went in, got blood work done, and was out by 8:03. My appointment time was at 8. I swear, they took us in at 7:55, and then bam done.

The second crappy thing about it all, was that they couldn't tell us the results right then,

So all day on Friday, I carried my phone with me. I knew what the results were...but I just wanted to verify and be ready for whatever they were going to tell me.

I got my phone call around 12:30. After a few times my phone freaked out and hung up accidentally, I finally got to talk with my nurse.

She told me, yes, I am pregnant. My hcg level was 81ml, which is good for a pregnant woman. I am not using my progesterone suppositories twice a day (oh joy, I loved sticking a wax bullet inside me nightly, now I have to do it nightly and in the mornings!) and I have to go back on Tuesday to check my levels.

My levels should be doubling every 2-3 days. So, 81 ml on Friday, 162 Sunday, 324 Monday, and anywhere between 324-648 on Tuesday.

My appointment is at 8:45 on Tuesday. Hopefully all goes well.

I'm counting any day from January 12-14 as the day of conception, which would leave me with an October 5th due date!

I had many symptoms....but I'm not sure if they were because of the progesterone suppositories or not. Such symptoms were: sore breasts, cramping, and nausea. What really stuck out to me, was Friday, 1/20, I woke up yelling in pain. I had such sharp cramps I couldn't control myself. Then, when I took the HPT the next day, there was nothing. I could have sworn that on Friday was implantation day. My body just needed a few extra days to produce hcg.

As of right now, according to, my baby is the size of a poppy seed (I'm writing this early, so I'm 4 weeks right now)...but when you read this, my baby will be the size of a sesame seed (you'll read this on week 5, after we tell family).

So, yes, I'm pre-writing this blog, but having it posted on Sunday, the 5th (today). Want to know why, well, we want to tell our family first.

It's been hard lying to everyone. This past week, we've had to tell people that the test was inconclusive, more tests were being done, we don't know anything...

However, today, when all the family is here...we are telling everyone! Want to know how we did it?

Well, here is the plan (and I'll share reactions later, once we actually tell them..remember pre-writing this blog)...

Gather everyone around to open my presents. I'll open everyone's presents, thank them, etc. Then Brian will say, "Hold on, I have one more present for you Kim." And I'll open it up. Inside is a t-shirt that says "First time Mommy" on it. I'll say, "Oh hunnie, this is soo cute" and hold it up for everyone to read! Then, after a few moments (if it doesn't click), I'll say, "I'm pregnant everyone!!!"

I'm hoping all goes well. Really, I am.

Then tomorrow, on the 6th, we're going to tell all my friends! I'm excited for that one...I'm even skyping in with my little sister, Sondra! I also can't wait to call my aunts, uncles, and cousins! :)

So, I'll let you know how the reaction goes and can't wait to share these next 9 months with you! :)

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