Saturday, December 31, 2011

Body Cleanse

With the start of a New Year and help from "" I will be doing a body cleanse for 2 weeks!

I'm excited to start the new year off right and fresh. This will help with my pre-diabetic/blood sugar levels. The doctor said a skinny woman with PCOS is JUST AS likely to develop diabetes as a 30 pound overweight woman...So, me being slightly overweight AND having PCOS...Imagine the likelihood of diabetes. 

So, time for a body cleanse.

This is how it goes:
-For 2 weeks, the only thing I will eat is leafy green vegetables, fruits, non-starchy vegetables, eggs and nuts (for proteins).
-With every meal (so 3 x a day), I will take a quarter cup of water and 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Apple Cider vinegar has many health benefits and will help with appetite control.

At the end of those 2 weeks, all of the toxins will be out of my system, weight loss will start, my body will be in balance, and I will feel more energized.

We are going out with a Shebang for the New Years! We are having a fondue extravaganza, with cheese, broth, and chocolate!! :)

But, after that, I'm going on the strict body cleanse!!

And after the 2 week body cleanse, the website suggests that you stick to a heavy fruit/vegetable diet and add fish and chicken to your meals. Of course, I don't like fish, so I'll add chicken to my meals. :) 

Hopefully when you see me next time I'll be a little bit lighter and on my way to being less pre-diabetic! :)

Friday, December 30, 2011

Results of our blood work...And more!

Well, we got our results back on Tuesday. The nurse called me around 3:00 and said, "Your glucose sugars rose after the 2 hour test. Dr. Trolice would like to see you for a consultation appointment." :( :( :(

So, we made an appointment for Thursday at 11:30.

Thursday comes and we get ready for our appointment. We meet with Dr. Trolice..My blood sugar was 92 before the sugary substance (which is normal)...and after drinking it and waiting 2 hours it was 175. Now diabetic individuals would have been 200+, normal is about 140. So I was 35 levels away. Unfortunately, he deemed me pre-diabetic. With the right diet, exercise then I should be fine. However, he put me on metformin. Metformin is a pill to help your blood sugar levels equal out. They put me on this pill for 6 months and then I'll retest. If everything checks out then they'll take me off the pill and test me again. Basically until either a) my body can equalize my blood sugar levels b) my body can't equalize it on its own and I have to take the pill until further notice. :(

Obviously we're crossing our fingers for option A.

Then we discussed Clomid. This time he was a little hesitant putting me on right then, but he thought about it and said okay. The worry was there was 1 more round of blood work that needed to be done. He said I could start taking the clomid, but if I get negative blood work coming back, then I'll have to stop the clomid....

So, I'm on a schedule:
I take the Clomid from yesterday (11/29) until 1/2/2012.
Then on 1/4/2012 I start taking the ovulation predictor kit (opk). The nurse said I shouldn't see ovulation, but the tests are just to be sure I didn't.
On 1/6/2012, I come back into the lab to check the growth of my follicles* More about this in a few
After that appointment, they will call me and tell me when I have to give myself the trigger shot (Ovidrel shot).
Once I've done the trigger shot, the egg should be released and then 16 days later I have a BFP! :)

So, follicle growths...Well at this ultrasound (on Thursday), the nurse looked at my follicles. Follicles are little bubbles on your ovaries that houses the egg. Normal women have 1 dominant that shows up at CD 16 (which is where I am). However, all my follicles are tiny and none are dominant. The Clomid will help make a dominant follicle. Actually, it'll help all of them grow (and there could be more than one dominant....yes....meaning a chance of multiples).

 Because my follicles were not growing, I am placed on Clomid to further this along.

My ultrasound on 1/6/2012 will then check my follicle growth. They need to be at 20-22 mm long. If they are, then I'll give myself the trigger shot. The trigger shot makes the dominant follicle(s) release the egg. Meaning within a day or two of the trigger shot, I should have a little egg traveling down my fallopian tube and meeting up with Sperm....thousands of them. :)

If the egg meets with the sperm, and implants, then we are onto a baby in my belly.

Now of course, there are lots of things that can happen between Clomid and implanting a baby... Like the sperm not meeting up with the egg, multiple eggs released (hey...I think I do want twins!! :)), miscarriage once it's inside my uterus (my lining was at a 6mm and they wanted it to be at 7mm..). Probably a lot more, but all in all...God's will is good for me. If he wants this to happen, it will.

Our next step is to baby dance til we are blue in the face..Haha. But seriously. We discussed every other day until the trigger shot, then every day from the ultrasound to after the trigger shot...LOL.

So, I'm on Clomid (and if my blood results come back negative - well I would have already finished Clomid so, either way works for me...:)), and just anticipating my next appointment!

I had my blood work and urine sample done today. Blood work went fine. I actually told the man who gave my blood, "Good job." LOL. It was just reactionary. It didn't hurt except a pinch. Much better than the other girl last week who took her time and tried to become my best friend before sticking me.

The pee test on the hand. UGH. I drank a whole cup of water on my way to the appointment. I'm thinking I'm good, right. Yeah right! I had to go into the bathroom at least 6-7 times. I couldn't pee from the start so I asked for a cup. I had to drink about 2 more cups (they were tiny little cups, so I had about 4 of them equaling 2 cups) and sit with the water running. AND I still didn't even make a stream! I would just drizzle, drizzle. Ugh. Frustrating. So after 40 minutes of trying I finally got enough to fill the cup to the line. :(

My appointment was at 8:45. I got there at 8:05 (I was thinking i-4 traffic, but obviously there was none). They took me in at 8:10. My blood work was done by 8:20, and then I had my pee test. Ugh. From 8:20-9:15 I tried my darnest to pee! Like I said, I finally got enough in the cup.

Then what happens - I pee as soon as I get home! And then pee 1 more time after that!! Are you kidding me!!! AHHH!

But hopefully those results come back fine and Clomid works and by February 1st I have a little egg inside of me developing into a baby....Prayerfully!

Keep us in your prayers! <3

Thursday, December 22, 2011

To be continued....Continued!

Alright. Sorry about the break in update, but we had to go do all of our tests! Which, I'll get to a little later..

So, we were in November. I called my OB on the first day of Thanksgiving break. Of course the nurse didn't want me to come in, rather she suggest that I go to a fertility doctor. She recommended the Center for Reproductive Medicine. But, when I realized that that office was a fertility clinic, I remembered that OCPS partnered with Fertility Care and gave a discount (because of course, fertility issues are not covered by my insurance).

So, I call Fertility Care AND the Center for Reproductive Medicine (just to verify they are one in the same and to see which had the first appointment). Well the Center for Rep. Med. (such a long name) was very rude to me, saying "Uhh, ya, why would you not...." or "Well sorry, we can't help you" in a very sarcastic tone. I told them, "Let me figure out my schedule and I'll call you back for an appointment." Yeah, right. Then I called Fertility Care, they were VERY helpful. And actually willing to compare their practice to the Center for Rep. Med. (ie: do they do the same thing, costs, etc). They actually had nothing available that week (neither did Center for Rep. Med), but their first appointment was about a month earlier than Center for Rep. Med.

Needless to say, I scheduled an appointment the next week (November 30th) with Fertility  Care.

The funny side note: When I called my OB back and talked with the nurse, I had to explain to send the papers to Fertility Care instead of the Center for Rep. Med...She was like, "why, I suggested CFRP, why aren't you going there?" I explained the discount we get with Fertility Care and they do the same thing. The nurse just didn't understand why I would not want to go to the office she suggested (how about because she NEVER wants the OB to see me, and rather fix problems at home- ugh to her!).

After that phone call, I called my dad crying because I was very upset that we were unsuccessful. He suggested I talk with my aunt who had her own issues trying to conceive and it took them 7 years and thousands of dollars. Which, nothing worked until after they spent all that money and just gave up. 

Now for my appointment with Fertility Care:

I was nervous all day long. I was leaving early from work so that I could go, as the appointment was at 2:30.  No one really knew about the appointment except for family. Which was hard because explaining to my principal that I had to leave for a doctor's appointment and end of story was worrying her! 

We arrive at Fertility Care. We talk with the doctor (Mark Trolice, totally would suggest him - we've had nothing but great interactions with him!). We got to know each other, he's from Jersey woot woot! We discussed my early period flows - before going on birth control, etc.

As soon as we finished talking, he's like, "I know what you have, but let's do an ultrasound to be sure of it." In my mind, I kind of knew what I had, but didn't want to admit it...and honestly I can't diagnose myself... LOL

We go into the ultrasound room. It wasn't bad at all, just like a normal yearly check up. But he discovered that I have PCOS. 

PCOS stands for Poly-Cystic Ovarian Syndrome. Meaning, I have a whole bunch of cysts on my ovaries. The cysts prevent eggs from dropping, which prevents ovulation, which in turn prevents a regular, normal period.

Now that we've discovered that we went back and talked to Dr. Trolice again. He explain that there are a few things we could do if a) we didn't want to conceive or b) if we wanted to conceive. Of course, we chose option B. Like pronto :)

He explained that the first thing we need to do is get normal blood work back from him (showing not pregnant, normal thyroid, and something else I forgot). After that, I'll be put on provera to start a period. Once my period starts I'll go in for an HSG test and then be put on clomid! Then I also had to get other blood work done because with PCOS I'm pre-diabetic. Another step was a semen analysis test for Brian, just to make sure all hurdles are down before we begin with medications.

I'm glad we were able to figure some things out and had a plan of action. We met with the nurse and she explained in depth each of the next steps. She told me she would call me once I was able to take provera to start it.

The next day, the nurse called me. Everything was normal with my thyroid and the other thing, and obviously not pregnant, so I started provera.

I had a normal AF with provera and once I was on my AF, I was told to call to schedule my HSG test. I scheduled my HSG for Tuesday of break and while I was at it I scheduled Brian's semen analysis. 

Which leads onto: Now I'm on break, and Tuesday was the day of my tests. I had to take antibiotic pills prior to testing in case of infection that could occur. 

The Semen analysis appointment was at 11:30. Brian got his thing done and then at 12:30 was my HSG appointment. An HSG test is where they inject radioactive dye into the cervix and watch the dye flow through the tubes to make sure everything is open and not blocked.

So, I go back for my HSG test. Brian could not come with me. He injected the dye - not too bad. I could actually feel the dye travel up through my cervix ... weird huh. But then he wanted me to roll around to make sure it's flowing out. Oh boy, that was crampy, crampy, crampy!!!! From what I could tell (and my limited expertise) it looked like one tube was blocked and the other was opened. 

After the procedure we got to sit down and talk with Dr. Trolice (I love that about him, he sits with you in every aspect of the procedure and explains everything!). He shared that he thought one tube was having issues, but after seeing the pictures... EVERYTHING WAS FINE AND OPEN!!! Woo hoo! What a hurdle to jump over!

THEN, we got Brian's semen analysis back... And EVERYTHING WAS ABOVE NORMAL!!!! Seriously, like the average is 50 on something, and Brian was 92! The average was 4 for something, Brian was 8. He said he had great results!

Dr. Trolice wanted to start Clomid right there...but I unfortunately did not have my other tests done (glucose tolerance, etc). I told him I was getting it done yesterday (Wednesday). So he said, if the results come back Thursday, then we can get you in Friday for an ultrasound and start you on clomid. If they don't come back until Friday, then we'll do the ultrasound on Tuesday and start then.

Which is VERY uplifting! I was actually thinking that we'd have to wait ANOTHER cycle and Provera 10 days before starting clomid, putting me at clomid around January 23rd. Well, he said there is no problem to start now because I don't ovulate anyway, and I don't really have a period on my own.

Woo hoo!! The funny thing - Brian and I were teetering between what to do for New Years. We had 2 options really - 1) Go to his best friend's house party 2) have a party of our own...Well the night before the Tuesday exam I told Brian I just wanted to do a me and him party. And he said okay. Which...this works perfectly! If I start clomid next week, we will want to be bding as much as we can...and you can't do that with having a party (or going to a party).

Woo hoo!! I'm just so excited for the possibilities and I know God is guiding us right along! 

I also found out my cousin got pregnant on her first round of clomid! She also has cysts and was messaging me back and forth prior to the procedure. 

Friends, the future looks great! I may be pregnant in January, maybe in February. But all I know is God is holding our hand through it all!!!!!

There is my long update! Hopefully I won't go as long without updating you all! :)

<3 Kim

P.S. My best friend also got engaged in September!! Woo hoo, now onto planning her Bridal shower! :)

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Overdue Update!

Good morning!!

   It has been quite some time since I last posted. Brian and I have been heavily involved in work. 

  Over the past few months, Brian has installed a new server, called many people about adding a new server and wiring, and best of all, got a raise! I on the other hand, boy, where to I begin...I have been to trainings galore (Thinking Maps, Teacher Evaluation, Restraints, etc), have walked classrooms, done interventions groups, and even about 60% completed with the Yearbook. 

  Needless to say, even though we've been busy, we also took time to try and have a baby. Yes, I say the word try. I'm going to try and divulge as much information as I can before my doctor's appointment, but I only have about 10 minutes left.

 So, I'll start from the beginning. Last you heard from me was in August. I had just started my af forced by provera. For the whole month of September, Brian and I bd'd every other night like good little SME Planners are. We tracked ovulation and had scheduled bding sessions. Unfortunately, according to the OPKs (ovulation predictor kits), I never ovulated.

The month of September I received a spotting period. It was not a full flow, just rather a spot, for 8 days straight!! 

I actually thought that I might be pregnant and that I was having implantation bleeding (IB). That is where you bleed as the baby attaches itself to your uterine lining. I was hopeful, and everyone on Pink Pad thought it could go either way.

But pregnancy test after pregnancy test (only 3 this time) proved otherwise. I was not pregnant.

My OB nurse said that spotting would be considered my period for the month and to continue on.

Now we're onto the month of October. Brian and I lost our fervor to continue to bd every other day. We bd occasionally. Maybe 2 times a week (at most 3).

When it came time for a period, I had none. I didn't get my hopes up. I didn't even take a pregnancy test. I just knew I wasn't pregnant. 

Then came November. No period has shown since the spotting period in September, and all pregnancy tests came out negative. We continued to just bd...until Thanksgiving Break....

To be continued....
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