Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Third Trimester Woes and Wows

Well, now that I've nestled in to my third trimester, we have hunkered down and got serious about our babies coming. :) Not that we haven't been this whole pregnancy!

We started our third trimester almost 2 weeks now, I'll be 30 weeks on Sunday! It's crazy how in about 10 weeks I will hold these two bundle of joys that have changed our lives so much already!

Since we've been in the third trimester we've had to get my glucose test taken care of, gone to a breast-feeding class, and of course, I've worked. :)

I had my glucose test on Friday. I had to drink my substance, which wasn't bad at all, it was fruit punch. Wait an hour, then get my blood taken. I got my results on Tuesday. Well, they weren't great. :( I mean, the good thing is didn't fail my STD, HIV, or any of those test (lol, really, was there a worry?)...but my iron test, failed, glucose test, failed. :( Epic fail for me and the girls. :( Now, I have to take ANOTHER pill (iron pill) daily and go for my 3-hour glucose tolerance test.

I have a bad feeling about my 3-hour glucose tolerance test, :(. I mean, prior to getting pregnant I took a glucose test with my fertility doctor. Although not terrible, my results came back "pre-diabetic" and I had to take metformin. So, I have a feeling my results may come back the same and it'll be frustrating. But, hopefully things are fine and everything comes back normal and I'll have a regular and normal pregnancy for the next 10 weeks.

It's crazy how I can feel so awesome on a day to day basis but have issues with my iron and glucose levels. Everyone who sees me tells me that I don't look pregnant from any angle but side/front. I have not gained weight really anywhere but my stomach, I'm not overly exhausted. This pregnancy has been wonderful and truly the only difference I feel is having an ever growing stomach.

Last night, we had our breast feeding class. That was fun. We learned some good tips and have a lot of notes to take in. We also got some breastfeeding tips for twins (positions, etc). Besides tips, I just really have to buckle down and read my Twin Breastfeeding book.

Next week (30 weeks) is a busy week for me. I'm working Monday and possibly Tuesday, Wednesday, I get to see my babies again with an ultrasound. Thursday - my 3-hour glucose test, Friday - meet with my OB and then I have an eye doctor appointment. Whew. What a busy crazy week.

The next week after that (31 weeks) I'm going to veg on the couch prior to pre-planning and going back into work.

Once school starts again I just KNOW my weeks are going to fly by!

One issue we are contemplating is day care. We started looking around a few months ago at day cares. After talking with Brian, we decided we wanted to do a nanny, someone we knew and could trust. We started going through some of our friends and family. We have asked a few people, haven't gotten an official answer really. A lot of "we'll see" or "if it works with my schedule." responses. We have a few other people on our list to ask. We'd prefer someone to be at home that we both know and are comfortable with. Last option is day care...we are thinking Kids R Kids in Waterford, possibly Tot Spot by my work. The best thing to know is that God is on our side and He has the plan and they are perfect for our family. He knows our finances, our situation, our babies.

We have a great journey ahead of us, through the woes of glucose, iron, and day cares, through the wows of ultrasound images and blessings of our babies.

We aren't promised an easy life, but we are promised that God will walk with us through it all!

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