Friday, April 1, 2011


Well, I am back into the blogging world! 

Welcome to my newest blog, The Quigley's Quest! Let me share with you a little bit about me! 

My name is Kim. I have been a blogger since the ripe age of 14. I have had a deadjournal (I claim it to be the original journal site), livejournal, and xanga. My deadjournal was my online diary, my livejournal was just so I could see other people's posts, and my xanga was my "private" entry that housed all my insecurities, fears, hurt, and even shame. 

I stopped blogging, all together, once I graduated college and became an educator. I guess I just became so consumed with life as a teacher. In May 2007, I received a job at my internship school. A few months after getting my "professional" job, I met the man of my dreams, Brian!

 Brian and I started dating July 11, 2007. I gave up dating until God clearly spoke to me about my husband. I declared that the next man I gave my heart to would be my husband. I was tired of giving my heart to different guys, it wasn't fair to me or my husband. So, I knew, if I was investing into Brian, it was for a lifetime. Luckily, God knew that to be true, and Brian felt the same. On April 1, 2008 (wow, 3 years ago today!) Brian proposed to me at Lakeridge Winery. We got married January 17, 2009

Life as a married couple has been amazing. Our first year together was perfect (as much as perfect could be). God truly blessed our first year of marriage. Our second year was not as perfect, but still very enjoyable! Now, we are onto year number 3! It has been a wonderful already. We've been married for about 2 1/2 years and have made a big decision! 

Our household needs more human beings in it!! Yup! That is right, Brian and I are looking to add some more people to our house! Not just any people, but a baby!!

I am already a member of an iPhone app called Pink Pad. This helps track your ovulation schedule, body temperatures, symptoms etc. I am able to post to the forum and talk with other people trying to conceive. I can often be found checking out the newest posts. I probably have already shared with you this cool app if you are my friend! I'm very excited for it! 

Brian and I are not yet trying, due to a teacher schedule. But in days to come I will share what Brian and I have been doing to prepare for when we begin trying, and life until that point! 

My hope for this blog is to be a story of our quest to add to the Quigley clan! I'd like to journal our all of our triumphs and trials. I hope you enjoy our journey! <3

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